Last year, Mrs. Judy Serritella, the media coordinator for Georgia, requested each district submit a report detailing the number of students using the media centers. Compiling a number for each school was a bit of a challenge, never being required to report that statistic in the past. Each school was asked to do their best to arrive at a ballpark estimate.
This school year, Mrs. Serritella confirmed that each district would again be asked to state how many students have been served by the media centers. Tracking the number of students that visit the media center can be a very taxing and a time consuming task. In an effort to streamline and simplify the process of tracking student visits, our district is beginning a demo of James Maclaskey's software "Library Time Clock 2.1."
The software uses a database system that allows each student to type in his/her id number or scan his/her student id card when entering the media center. From the time a student scans his/her card the system is counting the length of the visit. Each student scans out as he/she leaves the media center.
The elementary schools are using a basic version of the system, "Time Clock 2 Basic". The high and middle schools are using a more advanced version, "Library Time Clock 2.1." The high and middle schools can collect data on the purpose of the visit.
The use of the time clock system does present a new process for students, but many of the students find it fun and quicker than using a visit log. The software also allows media specialists to run reports on the number of visits for any date range.
The number of student visitors is staggering! For example on August 27th the following visits were recorded in the elementary and middle schools that have begun trying the system:
JME- 393; FLE- 315; TCE- 404; MMS- 388
Wow! We knew the media center was a busy place, but now we have the numbers to prove it!