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February 2015

Media Center Statistics February 2015
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Is Masher Trash?
I set out to make a video with Masher to try it out. It was not easy at all. The creation process was not very difficult, but there are a few bugs. First, when I logged out and then tried to log back in, my password would no longer work. That was annoying. I would have to request a new password. Once I got the new password and logged in, there was not a way to change my password to something I could remember. That was really a very minor problem, but it was one of many I would encounter.
Next, after adding video clips into the timeline, I wanted to add text. The text feature was a little tricky. Once adding text and previewing it, there was not a way to edit it. I would have to delete it and start again. Sometimes I could not even re-add the text. I tried adding a video effect to my short film, but I was not able to drag it into the effects line.
The final disappointment came when I saved my video and tried to use the embed code. Once adding the complete code to my blog, it placed a viewer, but my video would never play. I could not even find my video anymore on the site!
I know this is a beta version, and I will revisit to see if it improves. There is a place to report bugs, and I left a pretty detailed description. Needless to say, I do not think Masher is ready for general use. So, I ask... is Masher trash? If you get it to work, please tell me your secret!
I added the link out to my video. I will be delightfully surprised if it works....
I just checked the link... it did link! One point for Masher!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Liberty County Wins at the International Student Media Festival
Although some of the projects from Button Gwinnett are still being judged, the following projects are winners!
Dear Connor...
Our Dad, Our Hero
Super Dog!
All of the projects from Frank Long have been judged, and the following are winners:
Egypt Explorers- Judges' Favorite
Horsin' Around with Karoline
Living with Aspergers Syndrome
One, Two, Three...Let at Count FLE!
The Benjamin Project- Judges' Favorite
The Talking Pencil- Judges' Favorite
Jordye Bacon's entry is a winner!
My Fish
Joseph Martin still has a couple of projects that need to be scored. The winners so far include:
The Black Skeleton
Galaxy Gal's Beginning
Liberty Elementary's winners consisted of:
Class Council and the Gossip Book- Judges' Favorite
Crabbing with Grandma
My Cat
Study On
one of the projects from Taylors Creek was named Best of Festival, a high honor! Taylors Creek's winners consisted of:
A Day on the Farm
Holly the Christmas Cow
Nicholas's Adventure
Our Childhood
Our Class Pets- Judges' Favorite
Second Grade Scientist- Judges' Favorite
The Animal Tracks Mystery- Best of Festival
The Baseball Glove
The Great Math Safari-Judges' Favorite
The winners for Waldo Pafford include:
Amazing Dinosaurs
We Go
Congratulations to all the students on their outstanding accomplishment!
Students at WPE are Buzzing In!
Students listened to brief book talks about each of the 17 selected titles and then checked out their favorite. The books flew off the shelve in no time. In addition to getting familiar with the books, students learned the rules for the reading bowl. The visit concluded with students participating in a mock bowl. The questions for the bowl came from the most popular books in circulation- Wimpy Kid and Captain Underpants were both represented!
LCHS Helen Ruffin Readers are Rocking the Green Screen!
Families at LHE Break for Breakfast and Reading!
The pancake breakfast is a school tradition. Each child is given an invitation and requested to RSVP for his/her family. The media center is transformed into a fine dining establishment, with table clothes and flowers on every table. Each grade level is hosted on a different morning during the book fair. This enables families to browse for new books and enjoy a peaceful breakfast.
The benefits are two-fold! Since beginning the family pancake events, the book fairs at LHE have seen their profits double. When families feel welcome and enjoy their time at school everyone profits!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
LCSS Media & Technology Showcase
I attended the annual LCSS Media & Technology Showcase yesterday and had a blast! I was able to attend 3 sessions (well, I cheated and went to half of two, but shhhhh don’t tell) – podcasting, media festival and STAR Early Literacy.
Melissa Roberts and Brittney Mobley of the LCSS Technology Office offered great ideas about podcasting. Their hands-on workshop was a great deal of fun and I left feeling much more confident in using some of the free resources available to podcast.
A session to promote the International Student Media Festival was offered by Deborah Hargroves. Along with media festival tips and ideas, I learned of many free tools available for the 21st century classroom. It will be so much fun sharing these programs with the teachers and students! I just know we can utilize them in creating technology projects to submit to this years media festival.
STAR Early Literacy with Ellen Gadberry was the last session that I “sneaked” into and I certainly was glad I did! I was so impressed with the program. STAR Early Literacy is a web-based early literacy assessment tool that provides immediate feedback on the development of students' literacy skills. I am extremely interested in this program for our kindergarten and possibly first graders who struggle with STAR testing. Very informative session!
Oh, but I haven’t told you the best part of that day (besides wearing jeans, of course)… I was a winner two times over! Yes two times! I won a NEO 2 from Renaissance Learning. I am so excited! I am going to put it to great use too! It is going to travel each month to the classroom with the highest AR points AND testing accuracy at FLE. How cool will that be for the kiddos? I also won a book, In One Ear, Out the Other by Michael Dahl from Perma Bound Books. (My friend Tara suggested I pick this book as my free gift… so, I haven’t actually read the book yet, but I’m sure it is GrEaT!)
All in all, it was a great day! Thanks Jaime for organizing the event!
LCSS Media Year in Review

We are ready to kick off the 2012 HRRB Year!
Celebrating Reading Success!
2010-2011 Liberty County Elementary Schools HRRB
2010-2011 Liberty County Middle and High Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl
A Winning Recipe!
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How do you feel about your media center?

Bringing the Boy Home by N.A. Nelson
Darkwing by Kenneth Oppel
House of Dance by Beth Kephart
Magic Thief by Sarah Prineas
Savvy by Ingrid Law
Savvy by Ingrid Law
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
Seeker's the Quest Begins by Erin Hunter
Burn by Sarah Prineas
Dream Factory by Brad Barkley and Heather
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
King of the Screwups by K.L. Going
Skinned by Robin Wasserman
AR Enabling and Celebrating Success!
30 Minute Podcasts
But Wait! There's More! Make Your BookTalks POP!
Visit the presentation notes and a list of sources at:
Collaboration Corner
Visit Jeff's Blog at:
Visit Joanne's site at: