Dear Ansley,
A Google alert on The Pout-Pout Fish brought me over to your blog, where I discovered your Pout-Pout Fish pumpkin photo and the video of all the Fall Festival pumpkins. The contest is such a cool idea! I loved seeing all the book-related pumpkins. So creative, and such a nice way to integrate books and reading into the season. Very wonderful.
(Admittedly, I'm biased, but I think your class should have won first place! :)
If you'd like, if your students are still enjoying The Pout-Pout Fish, I could send you some signed bookmarks for them, to help encourage them to keep reading and exploring with books. Just email me back with an address if you'd like me to do that, and I'd be glad to send them along.
Best Fishes!
Debbie Diesen (author of The Pout-Pout Fish)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Deborah L. DiesenGrand Ledge, MIWeb: http://www.deborahdiesen.com/Blog: http://www.jumpingthecandlestick.blogspot.com/