The word is out! You can find two middle school media centers in Liberty County that have been awarded Bright Idea Grants! Sharon Dunham of Lewis Frasier Middle School and Cristina Dover of Midway Middle School won Coastal Electric Cooperative Bright Ideas Grants.
Students at Lewis Frasier Middle School will be able to check out a Kindle, a wireless reading device, in the near future. Mrs. Dunham was awarded $598 to purchase two Kindles. She plans to load popular student requests on the devices. Each Kindle can hold up to 1,500 books! The Kindle will enable students to get dictionary definitions for unknown words and, it can also read to students, making it a great tool for special needs or struggling students! Mrs. Dunham will use some of the proceeds from book fairs to purchase popular student requests to load on the Kindles. Lewis Frasier will be on the cutting edge of digital reading technology thanks to the vision of Mrs. Sharon Dunham!

Gifted students at Midway Middle School will soon become "Kings and Queens of the Green Screen", the title of Mrs. Dover's project title. Student will be learning how to produce digital videos using green screen technology thanks, to Mrs. Cristina Dover! She was awarded $1486.10 to purchase 5 Flip video cameras, ten licenses of Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0, and 1 volume of royalty free music from Soundzabound. With instruction from the media center and the new equipment, the gifted students will produce videos that illustrate the GPS Standards!
Mrs. Dover, Mrs. Frazier, and Ms. Kennedy
are pictured above.
Did anyone say Media Festival projects?
Way to go Mrs. Dunham and Mrs. Dover!
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